Health Information – Things you should be aware of    

Marilyn Vine’s Health Information Page 2 is one of many pages on this website pertaining to health.   Apart from the links shown below you can also find information on herbal ingredients, vitamins and minerals and so much more.  Just check out the menu bar to the left.

Please make sure that you bookmark this page for new information that may come to hand. 

Bookmark this health information page to see new information comes to hand.

Acid or Alkaline pH

Orthomolecular Medicine dated 18 July 2019 published this health information articleAcid and Alkaline Foods: The Real Story”.

Alkalizing foods are sometimes believed to be healthier because they prevent acid buildup in the body. This is a myth. [1-3]

Alkalizing foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts are healthy: not because they prevent acid buildup, but because they contain more essential nutrients, fiber, and a healthy balance of carbohydrates and fats. [3]

Foods in the diet contain a variety of biochemicals and essential nutrients. Some foods are acid, some neutral, and some alkaline. During digestion, all foods are acidified by very powerful stomach acid. In the metabolic process, some foods such as meat, cheese, fish, and eggs generate acid (low pH). Other foods such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts cause alkalinity (high pH).

ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease Cause and Cure?

Seafood and your health – source document

Amazing powers of Manuka Honey

NaturalNews dated 27 May 2018 published this article “4 Powerful healing properties of manuka honey (and why you should stock up on it now)”.   The article goes on to say:


“Manuka honey continues to gain popularity today because of its amazing healing properties. Produced almost exclusively from New Zealand by bees that pollinate flowers of the mānuka plant, manuka honey contains powerful natural antibacterial properties.”


Please read the full article to understand how you can use this honey to counteract health issues.

Bio-pesticides on your product

GreenMedia on 15 January 2018 published this health information article “The Hidden Biopesticide on Your Produce.   The article goes on to say:


Few would argue that consuming ample quantities of fruits and vegetables in the diet is a good idea, right? Fresh produce may be the only food on the planet that all diet gurus agree on, but did you know that you may be getting a chemically-applied dose of a known carcinogen every time you eat a piece of “fresh” fruit?


If you have been eating lots of produce as part of a healthy diet, it may shock you to learn that more than forty countries, including the United States, have promoted the use of a genotoxic, carcinogenic “freshness preserver,” applied to extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. And despite vehement denials of any danger to the public, health concerns regarding the expanding use of this substance continue to mount.”


This is a most disturbing health information article and one everybody should read to understand the harm that is being done to them.   


I have my own organic garden and because of the stratospheric aerial spraying I treat my home grown produce in the same way that I treat produce purchased from external sources.   Contact me at if you would like more information.

Truth about flu vaccines

NaturalNews dated dated 15 January 2018 brings this health information article “If you’re convinced vaccines are safe, you’re not well informed… here’s the information being withheld from you”.  The article goes on to say:


“If you’re convinced that vaccines are safe, you’re not listening to the people who’ve lost a child after a round of vaccines was administered. The U.S. government set up a special court to hear vaccine injury cases, with reparation for select victims but no accountability for vaccine makers. If you’re new to learning about vaccine risk, check out, and TheWorldMercuryProject, three of many places where the truth is being told.


As the truth comes forth, will you laugh in the faces of the victims who have been vaccine damaged? Sudden infant death syndrome, seizures, allergies, brain swelling, skin conditions, eating disorders and neurological development issues are all sad consequences of failed vaccine policy in the U.S. and around the world. Every vaccine on the market today, no matter what its intended use, will burden a body, especially small bodies with lower blood volume and weight.”


Please take time to read the article.

Are you or your loved ones living with depression?

Gary Null is an internationally recognized thought leader and activist, who holds a Ph.D. in human nutrition and public health science.   Gary Null has written an article on The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry which has been published in Green Media on 2 April 2014.   

I believe that this is a very important health information designed to wake us up to what is happening in our world today, particularly with people who are depressed.    Please take the time and read Gary’s article and you can learn more about Gary on his radio network, the Progressive Radio Network

Equally important is for you to take the time to listen to this very short YouTube with regards to Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and its role in depression.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Foundation fame!

According to Nexus Magazine dated February-March 2014, page 8 – the Gates Foundation claims:

Our nutrition efforts focus on delivery proven interventions and developing better tools and strategies for providing pregnant women and children with the foods and nutrients they need.”

Did you know that Bill Gates is a large shareholder in Monsanto and its GMO foods?   The more I read about genetically modified or geo-engineered foods the more I realize the harm they are causing both to humans, animals and our environment.

The Gates Foundation provides “mega-charity” support totaling billions of dollars and you might be surprised at some of these corporations when you read their mission statement above.   By clicking this link you can find more details of these donations.

One of these corporations is ExxonMobil and if you click this link you can find how the people of Arkansas are suffering one year after an oil spill!

Coca Cola and PepsiCo are also recipients.   Here is an excerpt from an article on the colouring agent used in these drinks:

“The caramel colouring used in Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other foods is contaminated with two cancer-causing chemicals and should be banned,’ said the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a health lobby group based in Washington, DC”

Health Information page asks you to Click this link to read the full article

Death by a doctor

Dr. Peter Glidden talks about the third leading cause of death in the U.S. You might be surprised to find out what it is!


NaturalHealth 365 dated 8 July 2016 provides information on eating fast food and the risk of having high levels of phthalates in your blood.   The article goes on to say:


Phthalates belong to a class of chemicals used in food packaging as well as fast food production. These toxic substances have been linked with many serious health issues in both adults and children – including damage to the reproductive system.  Studies have shown that these harmful chemicals are prone to leaching out of plastic food packaging and contaminating the food within it, making processed foods even worse.”


Health Information suggests that you click this link to read the full article.


GreenMedia on 9 July 2014 brings health information on the herb Rosemary.  The article goes on to say:


Rosemary, a small perennial shrub in the mint family, is one such example, a plant woven deeply into ancient history and mythology, providing clues and hints to its particular value in cognition, memory and enhanced sensorial awareness, and ultimately its sacredness, which literally means "holy," a word that also shares etymological roots with "whole," "healthy" and "heal."


There are many essential oils that I use by closing one nostril and sniffing and then closing the other nostril and repeating.    For many years information has been emerging on the ability of Rosemary to assist with health.    If you are having a difficulty with memory or a loved one has, then maybe just sniffing some Rosemary may just be the answer.    I would love to think it would be.    The Rosemary that I use can be sourced from here.

Great Health Formulations and Information

NaturalNews on 12 October 2013 brings information on how to lose belly fat.   Mike Adams went on to say:


“ Believe it or not, the holiday season is almost upon us - and with it, the usual overindulgence and weight gain. But we can take action to offset the damage. Armed with a simple daily detox drink and metabolism-boosting remedies, we can keep our waistlines in check and ensure all the festivities won't dampen health.”


I was very impressed with the information provided and instead of giving you the link to Mike’s article I have turned the information into a pdf and added more of my own comments.   Mike’s link is shown in the document if you wish to refer to the original.   Please click on this link to learn some very simple procedures that you can undertake to help protect health.

Do you suffer from arthritis?

The link below will take you to an article on research from the University of California at Davis (UCD) on using Frankincense (Boswellia frereana and Boswellia serrata to help treat arthritis symptoms.   Young Living Essential Oils have two different Frankincense oils:


  1. Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) from Somalia
  2. Frankincense Sacra (Boswellia sacra) from Oman


Read the research paper on what UCD found


It has been found that incensole acetate may be the reason Frankincense has been part of religious and cultural ceremonies dating back to ancient times.  This chemical constituent triggers areas in the brain known to effect emotions.  It also has an anti-anxiety effect and it was found to significantly improve mood.  This is great health information.

Health Information page advises that you can contact me by clicking this link to learn more about the essential oils I have been using for several years or use the form at the bottom of the page.

Essential Oil Information

Health Information page has great delight in bringing you the following information on the use of essential oils.  Once you start to use essential oils you will find yourself hooked on them!


I personally use Young Living Essential Oils and information on their oils can be found at this link.   My Young Living Representative Number is 1103165 if you would like to purchase any of these oils.


NaturalNews on 18 June 2015 provides abilities and uses for Lavender Oils.  Click this link to learn more.  To purchase the Lavender Oil that I use click this link.

Peppermint and its healing properties

GreenMedia on 19 March 2013 provides information on the amazing healing abilities of Peppermint.  The article goes on to say:


“A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties.”


Click this link to read more about its health potentials or to purchase the Peppermint Essential Oil that I personally use.

Essential Oils to assist in Repelling Ticks

NaturalNews on 9 August 2014 has provided important information on how we can protect ourselves by using essential oils to repel ticks from crawling onto our bodies and causing us to get Lyme’s disease.   Please click this link to see what oils to use.



NaturalNews on 12 July 2014 provides information on a study conducted by researchers from Rush University Medical Center which was published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology on June 20 2014.   This study has found that eating cinnamon powder may cause the body to reverse some of the brain changes associated with Parkinson’s Disease.    Click this link to read the full article.    Perhaps you might like to try using the Cinnamon Bark Young Living Essential Oil.  To purchase this essential oil click this button.   


Sandalwood and Wound Healing

Again on 12 July 2014 NaturalNews provides information on the skin possessing scent receptors that respond to the Sandalwood essential oil by stimulating healing.  This is from a study conducted by researchers from the Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Munster, both in Germany, and published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology.     This is amazing information.   Click this link to read the article.


Rosemary Essential Oil

Green Media on 9 July 2014 provides information on the amazing benefits of this essential oil where it shows that it may help to restore memory loss or just sharpen your memory.  Click this link to read the article and click this link if you would like to purchase Rosemary Essential Oil.


Health Information Page hopes you are enjoying this essential oil information.

Clove Essential Oil

Health Information and Prevent Disease on 20 June 2014 asks the question “What is the most powerful spice in your kitchen?”

The article goes on to say “Clove contains significant antioxidants which have been proven in studies to prevent toxicity from environmental pollutants like carbon tetrachloride, digestive tract cancers, and joint inflammation.”


Ways to use Clove Oil

Prevent Disease on 10 December 2013 provides information on 12 uses for Cloves.  They call it “A wonder spice with the highest antioxidant value”.     According to Prevent Disease, apart from the high ORAC value it has the ability to prevent cancer and has incredible purification and protection properties within.

Click this link to read more about Clove.  Remember if using the Young Living Essential Oils that the Clove oil will be highly concentrated and you should experiment by using just 1 drop and if you feel it necessary then increase the number of drops.  I have been told that by using the Young Living Peppermint oil all that you will require is 4 drops to make a cup of peppermint tea!


Tangerine Essential Oil

Green Media has published on 20 January 2014 an article on Tangerine oil from research undertaken at the University of Western Ontario where it was found that tangerines contain a substance that not only helps prevent obesity, but also protects against Type 2 diabetes.  They even say it can combat atherosclerosis which is the underlying cause of most heart attacks and strokes.

Several years ago I was at a meeting where a young lady became extremely nauseous and a friend offered her a bottle of Young Living Tangerine Essential Oil to sniff.   I could not believe how quickly this resolved the young lady’s situation and she remained okay for the rest of the day.

Click on this link to read the article and this link to purchase Tangerine Essential Oil.  


The power of Myrrh

NaturalNews on 22 December 2013 brings information and the health benefits obtained from Myrrh.  The article goes on to say:

“As most people in the 21st century look to reduce their risk of contracting serious illnesses, the use of myrrh has become an important factor in avoiding some forms of cancer and intestinal problems. Amongst the positive effects of myrrh are a reduction in spasms and a boost to the immune system, which can include increased blood flow around the body. When taken into the body, myrrh can effectively aid the stimulation of white blood cells that reduce the risk of contracting certain medical conditions. The use of myrrh can reduce the formation of ulcers and, in some reports, has aided recovery from ulcers after treatment.”

To read the full article click this link.   To purchase quality Myrrh Essential Oil click this link.

Orange Essential Oil

NaturalNews on 12 October 2013 brings information on Orange Oils and other Citrus oils. The article goes on to say:

There are many citrus essential oils. There's orange (sweet & bitter), lemon, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, tangerine, all of which are made from the peel of the fruit, and less obvious ones like petitgrain (orange leaves) and neroli (orange blossoms). Because they come from the same "happy ones" family, you will find that many of the characteristics are consistent among the different oils, such as a refreshing smell, renewing and uplifting effect, and they provide a sense of well-being. They have antiseptic, antidepressant, and antispasmodic properties, and are useful for treating digestive and circulation problems. They are commonly used in household recipes for cleaning, deodorizing, and cooking.”

Click on this link for the NaturalNews story.


Medicinal value of Tea Tree Oil

NaturalNews on 12 October 2013 provides information on the medicinal value of Tea Tree Essential Oil.  The article goes on to say:

Tea tree oil has a much wider range of use than those hand sanitizers, is natural, and goes further. Native to Australia, melaleuca alternifolia, or tea tree, has been used by the Aborigines for centuries. They would crush the leaves, place on a wound, burn, or skin infections, and hold them in place with a mud pack.  Thought to be one hundred times more powerful than carbolic acid, yet non-poisonous to humans, the antiseptic action of tea tree is astonishing.

Sometimes spelled Ti-Tree to avoid confusion with camellia thea, the tea bush that the black tea we drink comes from, tea tree comes from a completely different botanical family, called the Myrtaceae group, which includes niaouli, cajeput, clove, eucalyptus, and myrtle, all known for their anti-infectious action.”

To learn about Young Living Essential Oils click on this link.


Prevent Disease on 8 October 2013 advises that Oregano is one of the most beneficial spices for our health with four times the antioxidant potency of blueberries.    You know that you can use a few drops of Young Living Essential Oils in your cooking – don’t go mad and put too many – very powerful and concentrated.


Lemon Myrtle

NaturalNews on 28 May 2013 brings information on Lemon Myrtle essential oil and the fact that it is famous for its superior antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.  It can overcome salmonella and staph organisms while also providing a variety of cosmetic uses.   It can calm nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, vertigo and depression.  Click on this link for information from Young Living.

Lemongrass and its effect on cancer

The following is information on a study using citral an ingredient in Lemongrass to kill cancer cells in the test tube.  This study is based on good quality Lemongrass, but personally I believe that if you had a good quality therapeutic grade Lemongrass essential oil that you could possibly achieve the same result.   In my books – it is worth a go.   If you would like more information on the Young Living Lemongrass then please click on the link above.    This link is information on the study.


Benefits of Sage for the Brain

This link is an article dated 7 June 2011 from NaturalNews on the herb Sage.   It is telling us all about the powers of this wonderful herb with regards to the brain and other functions.   It also stimulates our bodies to make more of the master antioxidant, Glutathione.

My husband and I use Sage Essential Oil.   We put a drop each morning into our liquid supplement.  The sage plant has been highly praised throughout history for its powers of longevity and healing.  Pliny the Elder said that sage (called “salvia” by the Romans) was used as a local anesthetic for the skin and as a diuretic, in addition to other uses.  It was considered a sacred herb to the Romans.  During the Middle-Ages the plant was prized throughout Europe because of its exceptional healing effects and was used in a mixture with other herbs designed to ward off the plague.

If you would like more information on the Sage Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

NaturalNews had an article on the powerful antifungal properties of Lavender Essential Oil that helps in the fights and prevents skin and nail infections, including Candida albicans.  A study has been published in the ”Journal of Medical Microbiology” that found that Lavender Oil exhibits amazing protection against a wide range of pathogenic fungi and that it works better than all known antifungal drugs in achieving this!

Over time I have received a great deal of information from various sources in being able to help people who have a candida problem.   Please click on the link to check out the high quality Lavender Oil that is available from Young Living Essential Oils and also to find the “contact me” link if you would like further information or even just to buy a bottle of really good quality oil.

Do you have a problem with acne?

The article on this link may just give you your answer. 

Health Information or is it mis-information?

Prevent Disease on 9 May 2014 brings information on the “worse lies mainstream nutrition has told you”.     I would have to totally agree with Prevent Disease.    I get so incensed when I see advertisements on our TV particularly for butter replacements and the putting down of butter as being harmful.  Butter contains many healthful ingredients and is not bad for you.  The replacements for butter have their ingredients heated to a high intensity and thus they become carcinogenic!  So which would you prefer a natural product or perhaps a known carcinogen?

Please take the time to read this Prevent Disease article as it covers some of the myths that this health information (misinformation) is providing to you.

Health Information brings news on Mycotoxins in breakfast cereals

Green Media on 27 April 2014 have provided information on deadly Mycotoxins being found in breakfast cereals.  An excerpt from the article:

“A new study shows that breakfast cereals can be a significant source of these toxins. Researchers in Pakistan collected 237 breakfast cereal samples and analyzed them for 3 different types of mycotoxins.  They tested for aflatoxins (AFs), ochratoxin A (OTA), and zearalenone (ZEA).  They found these toxins in about half the breakfast cereals tested.[i] “

Click this link to read the full article.   It may just change what you give your kids for breakfast.   Myself for around 30 years I have just had fresh fruit for breakfast – no yoghurt or the like – just fruit and on the odd occasion have poached eggs.

Lymes Disease

Lymes Disease what a contentious topic this one is.  Here in Australia our Australian Health authorities refuse to accept that anyone has Lymes Disease unless they have been out of Australia.  They say it cannot be contacted in Australia.   However, people who have never been out of the country and had their blood analyzed overseas because they cannot get it done here, have been found to have Lymes.

Now NaturalNews on 21 April 2014 have provided information on the “Challenge of diagnosing Lyme Disease”. 

The article goes on to say “There are 300,000 new cases diagnosed each year, making it the fastest-growing infectious disease in the United States. The typical symptoms associated with Lyme include fever, constant headaches, chronic fatigue and a skin rash called erythema migrans. If the Lyme goes untreated, it can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system, and ultimately be fatal.”

Good proteins versus bad proteins

Prevent Disease on 22 April 2014 have issued an article on “The Best Sources of Protein - You'll Never Guess The Three Items Not On This List.    This article is well worth reading for the health information provided which could help to change your health.

Health Information on Superbugs

NaturalNews dated 28 March 2014 advises that the CDC has now warned that 1 in 25 hospital patients gets infected and tens of thousands die each year.

"On any given day, 1 in 25 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection," reports the CDC newsroom.

Click on this link to read more about the 750,000 Americans dying each year from Superbugs.

Canola Oil

NaturalNews on 17 February 2014 reports that Canola Oil is the number one hidden health “danger” at the prepared food bar.   The article goes on to say:

Canola oil can have detrimental effects on your health, especially the genetically modified (GM) canola that Monsanto so conveniently manufacturers for the masses to consume. It's all mixed into those fancy, condiment-loaded, creamy salads at the friendly grocer, and it's FRESH!”   To learn more click this link.    

Chewing Gum

On 3 February 2014 Dr Mercola brings an article on the 6 Gross Side Effects of Chewing Gum.

  1. May increase your junk-food intake
  2. May trigger TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) in your Jaw
  3. Gastrointestinal problems
  4. Tooth damage – even from sugar-free gum
  5. Made from sheep bi-products
  6. Release mercury from your dental fillings

Click this link to read the article.

Implication of metal toxicants

Prevent Disease on 1 December 2013 bring information on how metal toxicity can affect our health.  The article goes on to say: 

Metal toxicants entering the part of the brain that deals with stress and panic have been linked to disorders dealing with the central nervous system. Increasing evidence indicates that damage to the locus ceruleus (LC), is present in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including demyelinating and psychiatric disorders.”   

Click this link to read the full article    If you would like information on a supplements that contain fulvic acid which is believed to help the body’s natural detoxification process then click this link to contact me to learn more.  

Alzheimer’s Disease

Green Media on 30 November 2013 speaks about the benefit of coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease.

Trans Fats

Health Information page brings good news!  On 20 November 2013 Dr Mercola brings the good news that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally considering removing trans fats from the general recognized as safe (GRAS) ingredient list.   If this happens then this is such a victory for people’s health!    Please read the article and learn more about trans fats and polyunsaturated fats.

Keeping them honest!

Listen to what has gone on with Pfizer

IVF Babies

Prevent Disease and Health Information page brings information on 9 October 2013 on babies conceived under an IVF scheme.  It appears that researchers are just starting to document some of the long-term health effects associated in early development.   They are saying that IVF babies are 65% more likely to develop leukemia and nearly 90% more likely to develop brain cancer.   They are also saying that there is a significant risk of intellectual disabilities and neurological problems.

Please take the time to click this link and read the full article.

Your Eyes
What do they tell you?

Prevent Disease on 1 October 2013 brings information on 12 signs that the eyes can tell you about specific health symptoms

Here is an excerpt but I would suggest that you read the full article.

  1. Red or bloody eyes – high blood pressure
  2. Bulging or bug eyes – thyroid disease
  3. Yellow eyes – diabetes
  4. Rings around cornea – high cholesterol
  5. Droopy eyelid – stroke
  6. Cloudy eyes – cataracts
  7. Pale Optic nerve – MS or brain tumor
  8. Increasing gunk – dandruff/acne Ros.
  9. Different sized pupils – stroke or tumor
  10. Different colored eyes – glaucoma/inflammation
  11. Disappearing eyebrows – thyroid disease
  12. Persistent stye – cancer.

It is good to be able to provide health information such as this.

Bottled water

What does it contain?

NaturalNews on 19 September 2013 brings health information from Germany with hormone disrupting chemicals being found in plastic drink bottles.   Mikes article goes on to say:

“ But a new study out of Germany has found that thousands of other potentially harmful chemicals are still leeching from plastic products into food and beverages, including an endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) known as di(2-ethylhexyl) fumarate, or DEHF, that is completely unregulated.”

To read Mike’s article click here.

Butter versus Margarine

Way back in the middle of the 1990’s I read Dr Tony Jeff’s book and her chapter on butter.  I learned then that margarine is made by heating the ingredients to such a high intensity that they became denaturized and in turn carcinogenic.   I also learned that canola oil fitted into this same category and not only this but they removed the naturally occurring vitamin e from the Canola and then sell it back to you as a separate item!  I have given this health information in other parts of this website other than Health Information.

Now Prevent Disease on 12 September 2013 is bringing you a similar story.  Health Information asks you to  Please click this health information link and learn the truth!


Health Information believes that this is one YouTube that everyone should listen to an ex-pharmaceutical representative speaking out and letting us know that we are regarded within the industry as “cash cows”.   Advising us of the difference between “disease” and “disorder” and doing our own research to self educate and to identify which category you fall into and then look into alternatives like nutritional supplements, etc.   Go to the menu bar on the left of this page and see all the different pages that may provide you with the information you are seeking.

Is your calcium being absorbed correctly?

Dr Mercola on 5 July 2013 brings health information on making sure that your calcium is being absorbed into your bones and not into your arteries.    He talks about the importance of Vitamin K2, Vitamin D and Omega 3 in your diet to ensure that this happens. 

Remote Healing
Remote healing - LTA personal development - to fundamentally improve personality, Health and all kinds of problems and circumstances in life, example treatments on the website.

The humble cauliflower

Health Information asks:  Did you know about the health qualities of the humble cauliflower?  I recently learned that cauliflower can act as an antioxidant and that could assist our bodies with detoxification.   One of these phytonutrients groups is called glucosinolates and it can actually activate specific detox enzymes to help release toxins.   Another phytonutrients is indole-3-carbinol and is a huge anti inflammatory.  To top it off it is a very good source of Vitamin K!    Who would have thought it!

Is the Canadian Government’s actions affecting the world’s ecosystem?

Dr Mercola in an article dated 13 April 2013 provides health information on salmon farming in British Columbia and how this commercial enterprise could be affecting the wild salmon who swim by the farms by infecting them with viruses from the farmed fish.  He goes on to say that:

Farmed fish, purchased in stores around British Columbia have tested positive for at least three lethal fish viruses, including the dreaded ISA virus (aka salmon flu), salmon alpha viruses, and Piscine reovirus, which causes the salmon to have a heart attack, preventing them from swimming upriver”.

This is bad enough for the wild and farmed salmon but have you asked yourself what it is doing to your health?  Click the health information link and read his article

Russia bans meat from America!

27 February 2013 Dr Mercola advises that Russia has banned meats from America as they are:

American Foods Chockfull of Ingredients Banned in Other Countries

Health Information believes that you should Read the article to learn more

Experiencing a massive stroke

A most powerful youtube – not to be missed!   Experiencing a massive stroke

Take 20 minutes and listen to Neuroanatomist, Jill Bolte Taylor relate her personal experience whilst she had a massive stroke.      

Health Information page hopes that this information may help to save a life!

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